Friday, March 22, 2013

Self-learn to knit. Can someone throw me a lifeline?!

The Toddler Bolero (finished)!

I've decided to teach myself how to knit.  This is huge since I really like to crochet, but there are quite a few fun knit patterns I've seen on Ravelry that I'd like to make.  So I decided to start with the following pattern:
It's a toddler bolero for my 1+ year old.  I don't recommend it as a first time project as I had to start it over 6 times before I finally got the hang of what I was doing.  Then I dropped a stitch and had to figure out how to 'save' the inch of labored knitting I had already completed.  SO, here are my recommendations for new knitters with links to websites and videos that helped me.


How to cast on:

Holding your yarn and needles:

The knit stitch:

The purl stitch:

How to k2tog:

How to YO:

How to kks (I don't like this stitch - it's hard for me):

And then, the greatest find I found for knitting is the lifeline!  This is GOLD!!!:

Let me just expand here, I was able to insert a lifeline about 3 rows below my mistake (it was the easiest row for me to clearly see my stitches), and save about 1.5 inches of hard worked knitting.  Really it just saved me from having to rip all my work out and start again for the 7th time.  Now I'm moving the lifeline up every other row of my project just to save me tears if I mess up again (which I have, and WOW, the lifeline has saved me more than once!).  Any new knitter should make great use of the lifeline.  I think this discovery is what will keep me knitting until I master this art!

So, from one very NEW knitter, good luck to all you other newbies too.  Picking up a new craft can be daunting, but I think it will be worth it!

UPDATE:  So I wrote the original blog BEFORE I finished the project.  One CRUCIAL step is the bind off.  I found this link to be super useful:

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